To use the Serena StarTool disassembler: 1) While in a member list for a load library: use line option CS (CSECTS) 2) Then use line command di (disassemble) next the CSECT you want to disassemble. Here is an example for SYS1.LINKLIB for member IEFBR14 and CSECT IEFBR14: EDIT ------>DISASM IEFBR14 MOD(IEFBR14 ) Colum Command ===> Sc ****** ***************************** Top of Data *************** 000001 000002 ** DISASM IEFBR14 000003 AT 000000 CSECT IEFBR14 LENGTH 000004 000004 000000 0000 IEFBR14 CSECT 000005 000000 0000 SR R15,R15 1BFF 000006 000002 0002 BR R14 07FE 000007 000008 7 blocks in this member ****** **************************** Bottom of Data *************